I’m not firing on all cylinders

The phrase “firing on all cylinders” is correct and usable in written English. It is an idiomatic expression that means someone or something is working at peak performance or efficiency.

For example:He’s been working all night on that car and his brain is not firing on all cylinders!

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Business English Word of the Week:

Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche:

To Organize

The English verb to organize means to arrange something in an orderly way (such as reports or products) or to plan for a certain function (such as business meetings or events).

Sample sentence:

“Our sales and marketing team will organize the upcoming Annual Sales Convention in Leicester.”


The noun guidance comes from the verb to guide, which means to direct or lead the way. Therefore, ‘guidance refers to the act of giving direction or help.

Sample sentence:

“Mark, our financial manager, tells us we can go to him any time for guidance.”


Law English word of the Week:

Gesetz Englisches Wort der Woche:

Courtroom Law English Vocabulary:

To Accuse (someone or something)

To accuse someone is to declare that someone committed a crime.

It’s often used in the passive voice, to describe the state of someone who is accused or was accused of something.

Sample Sentence:

“She was accused of stealing the man’s wallet.”

An Advocate, in Law English, means a Lawyer, Attorney, and Solicitor are more commonly used, but the word Advocate is still used in courts in Scotland).

A legal adviser (Lawyer, Attorney, Solicitor) or professional whopleads on behalf of the accused in court.

“The advocate asked for his immediate release from prison.”


Vocabulary for Contracts:

Wortschatz für Verträge:

An Agreement n. an arrangement made between people, companies, countries, etc.; contract.

For example:

All countries, except the USA, have signed a new agreement on climate change.”

An Appendix n. extra material or additional content at the end of a book, contract, report, etc.

For example:

The tables and graphs in Appendix A are based on the latest data.”


Vocabulary for Negotiations:

Wortschatz für Verhandlungen:

To Estimate =  Approximate calculation of the cost.

The Facilities = Equipment (for example, parking facilities).

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Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

We have three words in English for Pain, sore, and ache (Schmerzen) “my elbow is painful / hurting” („mein Ellenbogen tut weh“).#

Examples of:

Schmerzen in English = Head ache (Kopfschmerzen), Sore throat (Halsentzündung), back pain (Rückenschmerzen).


Wit, wit, wit:

Witz, Witz, Witz:

Rembrandt is not to be compared in the painting of character with our extraordinary English artist, Mr Rippingille.

Quote by John Hunt. NOTE: (English wit and slang words/phrases can sometimes be quite difficult for a foreigner to understand).


Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

A common mistake I hear often is when someone says, “It’s named …….

The proper way is It’s called ….NOTIt’s named …….” The correct way to use NAME = Its name is ……


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

I’m not firing on all cylinders” = This expression is a metaphor for an internal combustion engine: a cylinder is said to be firing when the fuel inside it is ignited. So when you say, “I’m not firing on all cylinders” it would mean that when a car motor is not firing on all cylinders is not working properly and lacks power/energy and so you are not feeling 100% full of energy as you may normally be. You may also be indicating that you are feeling a little unwell.


British (B.E.) / American (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

Lift” British (B.E.) (Aufzug, der Fahrstuhl) / American (A.E.) “Elevator”.

Once when I was in Columbia with Gary Oates and once when I was in Brazil with Global Awakening I made the same mistake. This was to shout out to my American friends to “Hold the lift!” of course, they did not, because they did not understand me at that moment as they used the word “Elevator“.


Cockney rhyming slang:

Cockney Reimender Slang:

Isn’t the point not using the second part of the rhyme – “I bought it off a bubble in Wood Green i.e. “bubble and squeak” = a Greek. Cockney rhyming slang may appear baffling sometimes to the non-English person.


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

Revenge is sweet, but not fattening

Spike Milligan from his book, “Where have all the bullets gone?” Spike was not English, but Irish born of Irish parents, but actually born in India, whilst his father was serving in the British army in India.

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