
Lollygag Lollygag informal•North American verb: spend time aimlessly; idle. Zeit ziellos verbringen; Leerlauf. Sample Sentence: “They go to California every summer holiday to lollygag in the sun.” Also means to dawdle. (trödeln / bummeln). Sample Sentence:...


Cattywampus See below for a definition of Cattywampus. Business English Word of the Week: Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche: “To get the ball rolling” This idiom means to start something, usually a project or process. sentence example: “Come on guys...

April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day unpunctuated: April Fools Day; noun: April Fools’ Day. The 1st of April, in many Western countries traditionally an occasion for playing tricks. This custom has been observed for hundreds of years, but its origin is unknown. Sample Sentence:...