
Marmite   The Fat Cats sat around the table, and not on a doormat, to discuss how they could get fatter.   NOTE: Business English etc. can be found below the translation exercises. Translate the Text: Übersetzen Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank. Ich...

The Importance of being Jack

The Importance of being Jack Note: This is my title based on the book – film below. My title for this blog originates from a famous book/screenplay/film with the title: “The Importance of Being Ernest.” Jack Worthing, the play’s protagonist, is a pillar of the...

To be sold down the river

To be sold down the river There are two ways to read this signpost. 1:) Is that no crocodiles swim here, so it is safe; or 2.) There are crocodiles here, so do not swim.   “To be sold down the river” = means to betray someone or do something which harms them in...