
Piffle The English Slang word Piffle means nonsense. The American slang Garbage; and there are quite a number of other English and American slang words for Piffle. Sample Sentence: “It’s absolute piffle to suggest that politicians tell the truth.”...


Baloney What is baloney slang? The word baloney comes from the sandwich meat called, ‘bologna’, which is typically made of leftover scraps of meat. The Slang American English word “Baloney” means nonsense. When someone says something completely...


Balderdash What is Balderdash slang? The slang word Balderdash means senseless, stupid, or exaggerated talk or writing; nonsense. I even have a board gamer at home called, “balderdash”, which is quite a funny game. What is the literal meaning of...


Hogwash What does hogwash mean in slang? Hogwash is complete nonsense, lies, or ridiculous actions. Sample Sentence: “If an advertisement claims that taking one vitamin pill a day will make you ten times stronger, that’s hogwash.” The informal...