
Dingleberry What is dingleberry in English? dingleberry in British English = 1. a type of cranberry native to the southeast US. 2. derogatory, slang. a stupid person. Computer Storage: The old-fashioned way. Did you know that your smartphone has at least 100 times the...


Flibbertigibbet Where did the word flibbertigibbet come from? Flibbertigibbet is one of many incarnations of the Middle English word flepergebet, meaning “gossip” or “chatterer” (others include flybbergybe, flibber de’ Jibb, and...


Flummoxed This English slang word is an adjective: flummoxed. The slang word means to be bewildered or to be perplexed. Sample Sentence: “She became flummoxed and speechless after what she had heard.”   It may look like you are bird-watching, so you...


Gobsmacked informal•British adjective: gobsmacked; adjective: gob-smacked; this English slang word means utterly astonished; astounded. (erstaunt, überraschen) “All the English people were gobsmacked when the new Englsih King walked into the room.”  ...