

All the English people were gobsmacked when the new Englsih King walked into the room.



NOTE: Business English etc.

can be found below the translation exercises.

Translate the Text: Übersetzen:

Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.

Siblings – Geschwister.

Sandra liebt ihre Schwester.

Ich koche gern aber ich habe keine Freizeit. (spare time = B.E.)

Die Frau feiert ihren Geburtstage im Park.

Meine Oma trifft ihren Bruder im Restaurant.

Ich habe drei Geschwister und sie sind reich.

Warum sind deine Geschwister so jung und reich?

My brother has a Turtle (Meeresschildkröte)/ Tortoise. (land) It must mean a tortoise as it would be impossible to have a Turtle as a pet, unless they mean the small ones e.g. an Orange-eared Turtle. See below.

Mein Bruder hat eine Schildkröte.

Meine Oma spielt Gitarre und sie liebt ihre Band.

Meine Frau is Ärztin und sie hat keine Freizeit. (spare time = B.E.)

Meine Schildkröte braucht keine Freizeit.

Meine Tante trifft ihre Schwester sonntags im Café.

Conny liebt ihren Bruder.

Meine Mutter und er sind Geschwister.

Ihre Mutter und ihr Vater.

Ich will die Beziehung nicht.

Sie hat Beziehungen.

To be content = Zufrieden sein

Meine Freunde wollen Fahrkarten nach Wien kaufen.

Er möchte seinen Vater am Wochenende besuchen.

Meine Tochter studiert nicht, sie ist Beamtin.

Ist dein Vater Beamter?

Meine Eltern wollen eine Sofa/Couch kaufen.

(Settee, couch).




Mein Bruder ist jetzt Beamter.

Der Bär trifft seine Frau und sie machen Sport.

Das Haus is groß, aber es gibt keine Toiletten!

Meine Freunde haben in Berlin kein Haus.

Ist deine Mutter noch Beamtin?

Meine Oma arbeitet nicht mehr und sie ist zufrieden.




Business English Word of the Week:

Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche:


An extra page (or pages) is usually found at the end of a contract. It’s used to list any additional information or explanations to the main contract.

Sample Sentence:

“Look at the back of the document in the appendix this is where you will find a list of things you need to know about storing acidic substances.”


Law English Word of the Week:

Gesetz Englisches Wort der Woche:

Legally binding  Rechtlich verbindlich

In common legal practice, once a contract has been signed by all parties it becomes legally binding or enforceable by law (that is, able to be punished by law).

Sample Sentence:

This contract won’t be legally binding until your Area Manager signs it.


 Vocabulary for Contracts:

Wortschatz für Verträge:

Legal expert

Someone with an extended knowledge of the law and whose job is to advise on legal matters and conduct lawsuits in court, such as a lawyer. (In the US, a lawyer is also called an attorney.)

Sample Sentence:

You’d have to consult a legal expert for advice on how to solve your supplier failing to deliver on time”.


Vocabulary for Negotiations:

Wortschatz für Verhandlungen:

into the bargain

in addition to what has already been mentioned or was expected.

Sample Sentence:

“I am now tired and extremely hungry—with a headache into the bargain.




Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

Dismantle = to take something apart – e.g. a machine (There is no English verb meaning “To mantle”).

Sample Sentence:

“You will have first to dismantle the outside parts of the engine before you can get to the gear mechanism.”


Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

If it isn’t broken, then do not try to fix it.


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

“Easy does it” = means Slow down. and is often repeated twice.

Sample Sentence:

Ok, we’re getting to the end of the process now, easy does it, easy does it!


British English (B.E.) / American English (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

British English (B.E.) = Motorway (German = autobahn)

American English (A.E.) = Freeway, super highway, inter-state.

Sample Sentences:

“We need to go on the motorway as it is much faster than driving on the country roads.” B.E.

“It is an eight-lane freeway.” A.E.


Special Grammar tip of the week:

Spezieller Grammatik-Tipp der Woche:

Never use a double-negative

In English, there are often two ways to express a negative concept. For example, if you want to say the room is empty, you can say:

“There is nothing in the room.” OR “There isn’t anything in the room.”

The words ‘nothing’ and ‘anything’ have the same meaning, but ‘nothing’ is used with an affirmative verb, and ‘anything’ is used with a negative verb.

This rule applies to other words like:

nobody – anybody

none – any

This is also true of the word ‘never’ when you talk about experience. You can say:

“He’s never been to the Ukraine.” OR “He hasn’t ever been to the Ukraine.”

The meaning is the same but in the second sentence the use of ‘ever’ means you need to make the verb negative.

Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

“She sees cheese.”

Trying to say this X10 quickly.

Versuchen Sie, diesen Satz zehnmal schnell und fehlerfrei zu sagen.


False Friends Tip of the Week:

Falsche Freunde Tipp der Woche:

German          Translation            False Friend (F.F.)   Meaning of F.F.

Ein Brunnen   A Well (for water)      to be Well                gut sein

There are other meanings of Wellin English e.g.I am well= “Mir geht es gut“. “Well” – “healthy” – “gesund“. We even start a sentence with “Well, I am going to…” Whereas a German might start their sentence with “Also, Ich gehe zum….”

Wit, Wit, Wit Business examples:

Witz, Witz, Witz Geschäftsbeispiele:

“Americans travelling abroad are so disorientated by foreign currency that every now and then one of them will buy a single croissant and leave a tip large enough for the waiter to retire for life.” Quote by Dave Barry.


Slang word of the day: Slangwort des Tages:

Trollied / Plastered (I would not and never have used the word ‘Trollied’).

These two words are British slang for drunk. One can get creative here and just add “ed” to the end of practically any object to get across the same meaning eg. hammered.

Sample Sentence:

We all got well and truly plastered at my Niece’s wedding last year!

Colloquial / Colloquialisms:

Umgangssprache / Umgangssprache:

You’re always on the ear ’olemeans…

In several episodes of Steptoe & Son, the phrase “On the earhole” is used. In one scene the vicar knocks on the door asking for donations to the church. Old man Steptoe shouts (he drops his aitches) “Is he on the ear ‘ole again?” It appears to mean the same as “on the scrounge”  which means

adj, adv British cadging, trying to borrow money. An old London working class expression still heard in the 1980s. For the etymology, see ear ‘ole. [Under ear’ole as a noun referring to “a dull, gormless or exasperating person,” Thorne offers this note on the term’s origin: “The eighth edition of Eric Partridge’s Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English quotes a 1976 article in New Society which derives ear ‘ole from those (pupils) who listen and obey, as opposed to those who act or refuse to conform. This is likely to be a folk etymology (and probably spurious) as the word was in use as long ago as the 1950s as a non-specific term of abuse.”]

So Green thinks that the person “on the earhole” is talking into the victim’s ear; Partridge (citing Fraser & Gibbons) suggests that it may have begun as a reference to wheedling money out of someone; and Thorne seems to have a similar origin in mind. In any case, the expression goes back at least to the mid-1920s and very likely to the Great War.


Cockney rhyming slang: Cockney Reimender Slang:

Apples and pears = stairs 

Sample Sentence:

Just going up the Apples and pears to get a few things.”

Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

When you are at home doing nothing this is not a holiday. When you go somewhere else and do nothing, then this is a holiday”.

28th July 2019 Mark Brislin.


In English, we have two words that mean the noise a dog makes: one is Woof, woof and the other is to bark. The way we pronounce the composer J. S. Bach is the same as we pronounce the noise a dog makes = Bark.

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