To round it up

To round it up To round up means: To drive or collect a number of people or animals together for a particular purpose. “In the early morning, the herd of cows are rounded up for milking time.” Similar: to gather together, to herd together, to drive together, to bring...

The Power Position

The Power Position NOTE: Business English etc. can be found below the translation exercises.   Translate the Text into English: Übersetzen: Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank. Bringst du einen kartoffelsalat zur Party mit? Kannst du bitte heute...

They overplayed their hand

They overplayed their hand They overplayed their hand If someone ‘overplays their hand’, they act more confidently than they should because they believe that they are in a stronger position than they actually are. To overplay a hand is to invest more money in it than...


Bunkum means nonsense, folly, silliness, absurdity, hogwash, baloney, balderdash, poppycock, and gibberish. NOTE: (You can find these words as titles of some of my other Blogs!) Sample Sentence “Those salespeople are talking a lot of bunkum about their...