Strike while the iron is hot



NOTE: Business English etc.
can be found below the translation exercises.

Translate the Text: Übersetzen:

Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.

Fünf, zwei, eins, vier.

Meine Enkelin hat vier Katzen.

Die Sieben, Die 7.

Ich esse sieben Äpfel.

Die Neun.

Die Acht.

Ich habe zwei Töchter.

Die Eins.

Sie hat sieben Söhne.

Es sind zehn Kinder.

Sie hat sechs Brüder und zwei Schwestern.

Das Haus hat elf zimmer. (Räume = rooms).

Er hat elf Schwestern.

Es gibt vierzehn Hemden.

Der Vater hat fünfzehn Töchter.

Eins ist eine Nummer.

Er hat vierzehn Hüte.

Es gibt Reis.

Fünfzehn ist eine nummer.

Das Kind sieht dreizehn Eier.

Sie essen ein Dutzend Eier.

Mein Sohn ist sechzehn.

Das Pferd frisst siebzehn Äpfel, weil es Hunger hat.

Das Mädchen hat fünfzehn Röcke.

Ihr seht sechzehn Häuser.

Warum isst du dreizehn Tomaten?

Achtzehn und Neunzehn sind nummern.

Warum hat er neunzehn Schlüssel.

Das Haus hat neunzehn Zimmer.

Es gibt vier Äpfel.

Das ist die Summe.



Business English Word of the Week:

Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche:

Up-to-date- technology / State of the Art Technology

Sample Sentence:

“Our company uses State of the Art Technology at all of its installations.”


Law English word of the Week:  Gesetz Englisches Wort der Woche:

Salary / Gehalt = the money a professional gets per month.

WAGES and SALARIES Löhne und Gehälter = unskilled workers or semi-skilled workers are not normally salaried, but are on WAGES either per week or per month.

Sample Sentence:

Salary grades have to be written into a contract; which includes agreed incremental raises in salary per year.”


Vocabulary for Contracts:  Wortschatz für Verträge

Banker’s guarantee
Some suppliers offer or are required by the buyer, to provide, at their own expense, a promise from their bankers to underwrite any debt, default or failure of the supplier to perform its contractual obligations.


Vocabulary for Negotiations: Wortschatz für Verhandlungen

Condition = a stipulation or requirement which must be fulfilled.

Sample Sentence:

“Before we can come to an agreement on price, as well as the other stipulations, all conditions laid out in the contract must be met.”



Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

Business trip (1. Geschäftsreise; 2. Dienstreise) – yes that’s two words – a visit made to a place for work purposes, typically one involving a journey of some distance.

Sample Sentence:

I have to go on a Business trip to Hawaii for a week. Yep, I know, someone has to do it!

Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

wild cat strike means a sudden strike (= act of refusing to work as a protest) without any warning by the workers and often without the official support of the unions.

Sample Sentence:

What’s the matter honey, why are you home so early today?” the wife asks her husband, “Oh there is another wild cat strike at the oil rig today.”


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

Strike while the iron is hot – make use of an opportunity immediately. Where does the phrase strike while the iron is hot come from?

Meaning to take early action, the term strike while the iron is hot derives from a blacksmith striking a horseshoe when the temperature of the metal was exactly right. If the blacksmith would wait too long then the metal would cool and would become more difficult to shape.

Sample Sentence:

The company purchaser said to the MD. “We should strike while the iron is hot and order some of those machines immediately before the price changes on the offer.

For many years in a battle situation when someone got shot the only way to stem the flow of blood before the person bled to death was to have white-hot irons in a brazier prepared. When someone yelled out that they were hit, then another person would grab a white-hot iron and slap it onto the wound before it cooled down. The skin would close over the wound and thus stop the blood flow. The person would have to strike while the iron is hot before the white glow of the iron turned to red.


British English (B.E.) / American English (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

British English (B.E.) = rubbish

American English (A.E.) = garbage – trash.

Sample Sentence:

“Take the rubbish bin to the end of the drive so that the bin men can collect it.” (B.E.)

“You’re taking a load of rubbish!” the reporter said to the politician. (B.E.)

Take out the trash/garbage to the end of the drive.” (A.E.)

You’re taking a load of trash/garbage!” the reporter said to the politician. (A.E.)

NOTE:GIGO” is an old 1970’s American abbreviation used in the computer world meaning, “garbage in, garbage out.” This means that if you enter stupid data into a computer, then you will get stupid data out of it. Nothing much has changed, has it?


Special Grammar tip of the week:

Spezieller Grammatik-Tipp der Woche:

Normal Verses Normally = these two words are often a problem. Many, many times people have been speaking to me in English and I hear the mixing up of Normal and Normally.

Normal means standard, customary, everyday, expected, and ordinary.

Normally is a TIME EXPRESSION (ZEITAUSDRUCK) under normal or usual conditions; as a rule. (Normally = naturally, usually, generally, typically and commonly. )

Normally, it takes three or four years to complete the training.”

Normal means in a normal manner, like:

“Try to breathe normally.


Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

Six Czech cricket critics.

Try and say this sentence ten times quickly without a mistake.

Versuchen Sie, diesen Satz zehnmal schnell und fehlerfrei zu sagen.


False Friends Tip of the Week:

Falsche Freunde Tipp der Woche:

German   Translation   False Friend (F.F.)   Meaning of F.F.

engagiert    committed                engaged                     verlobt


Wit, Wit, Wit Business examples:

Witz, Witz, Witz Geschäftsbeispiele:

“If you can count money you’re not rich.” Quote by John Paul Getty.


Slang word of the day: Slangwort des Tages:

A cuppa

A cuppa is the shortened version of “a cup of tea.” You might hear the expression “Fancy a cuppa?” quite often which is normally always referring to tea. I am British and I can confirm that the British do love their tea! There are other expressions that are commonly used within the area of talking about tea in the UK.  I start each and every day of my life by drinking two cups of Earl Grey tea and a large glass of orange juice. When I travel around the world I always take Earl Grey tea bags with me; even whilst travelling in Germany where I live.

Sample Sentence:

“I love a cuppa every morning. I have a cuppa, Earl Grey Tea.”

“In the ’80s there was a product called, “CUPPA SOUP“, see if you can find it on the internet?”


Colloquial / Colloquialisms: Umgangssprache / Umgangssprache:

Throwing a wobbly

This British expression means to have a tantrum, however, tends to be used when describing tantrums thrown by adults, or people who should otherwise know better.

Sample Sentence:

Oh no, my toddler is throwing a wobbly!


Cockney rhyming slang: Cockney Reimender Slang:

This English slang word = Darby and Joan = means to have a moan.

Sample Sentence:

“My wife’s always a member of the old Darby and Joan Club.”


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

There’s no such thing as a tough child – if you parboil them first for seven hours, they always come out tender.” W. C. Fields.

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