To leave or put something on the back burner

to decide not to do anything about a situation or project until a later date, because you do not consider it to be important at the time.


Translate the Text into English: Übersetzen:

Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.

Österreich (England, Deutschland, Frankreich) ist ein Land.

Ist der Markt schön?

Wir bauen nichts.

Ihr seht den Markt nicht.

Afrika ist kein Land.

Dieses Schloß ist schön.

Wir bauen ein Haus.

Die Bahnhöfer sind neu.

Die Stadt ist klein.

Das Hotel ist nicht groß.

Ist das ein Schloß? (Schloss)


Ich lerne

Ich lerne gern

Ich lese die Zeitung.

Ich lese nicht gern die Zeitung.

If it’s not too much…

To indicate an extreme, add the word zu before an adjective!

Der Saft ist zu süß.

I’m already pretty tired…

An umlaut can make quite a difference! The word schon means already, but schön means pretty/beautiful/lovely!

Ich schlafe schon.

I am already sleeping.

Der Ring ist schön.

The ring is pretty.

Practice the difference so you don’t say the wrong word!

Schon as in “home”.

Schön similar to “hurt”.

For the ö sound, try saying a (as in father), then round your lips like you’re drinking from a straw!

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Business English Word of the Week:

Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche:


The noun agenda refers to a list of things to be discussed or done at a meeting or business event.

Sample sentence:

Are you sure we can cover everything on today’s agenda in 3 hours?

Visual aids

Visual aids are things like charts, pictures, maps, etc. that make it easier for your audience to understand something. You commonly use visual aids if you’re giving a presentation or when you’re in a meeting.

Sample sentence:

“Your visual aids really helped me get a better picture of this complex construction project.”


Law English word of the Week:

Gesetz Englisches Wort der Woche:

an indictment

Definition of “Indictment” (accusation)

An “indictment” is when a person is formally accused and charged with committing a crime. While there are other ways a person can be accused of committing a crime, an indictment is used in the United States to formally accuse a person, especially in cases of federal crimes for example Ex-President Trump.


Vocabulary for Contracts:

Wortschatz für Verträge:

Condition n. anything necessary before the performance of something else.

For example: They spoke to reporters on the condition that their band name wasn’t to be used.

Force majeure n. an unforeseeable event such as a flood, earthquake, war etc. used as an excuse for not fulfilling a contract agreement.

For example: Article 7 of the contract covers termination conditions and force majeure provisions.

Fulfil v. to satisfy a condition; to complete the required task; to fulfil.

For example: If one party doesn’t fulfil their obligations, the other party can demand arbitration.


Vocabulary for Negotiations:

Wortschatz für Verhandlungen:

Tender = A written offer to execute work or supply goods at a fixed price.

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Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

Traffic jamStau (A tail-back).


Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

“The week before last” = two weeks ago, the week that came before last week.


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

“To leave or put something on the ‘back burner’” = in German “etwas auf die lange Bank schieben”. This term comes from the cook’s habit of moving pans to the stove’s back burners so he can focus on dishes that need more immediate attention. When you put something on a back burner, you make it a low priority. In other words, you’ve decided that the task or activity on a back burner isn’t immediately important.

In the position of something that will not receive immediate attention and action, They put their musical career on the back burner to pursue their vision of being building a successful record label.


British (B.E.) / American (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

“Crisps” B.E. / A.E. “potato chips” = e.g. Pringles (‘Chips‘ in English means Fish and Chips – Pommes).


Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

Dough” (Teig) – “doe” (Damhirschkuh) have the same pronunciation, but have completely different meanings.

Sample Sentence: “I cut the dough into pieces big and small, big for a loaf of bread the small pieces for baking bread rolls.”

Sample Sentence: The doe hid her young baby deer in the tall grass, whilst she went off in the fields to graze.


Slang word of the day: Slangwort des Tages:

Bottom’s up” means “cheers” & “Good health”, “In the mouth round the gums, watch out stomach here it comes!

“Your good health.”

In the Gaelic language “Schlan sha!” is to be answered by “Schlan sha Var!

Skoll, Chin-chin, plus many others. Can you think of any others?

Wit, Wit, Wit Business examples:

Witz, Witz, Witz Geschäftsbeispiele:

“My friends, money is not all. It is not money that will mend a broken heart or reassemble the fragments of a dream. Money cannot brighten the hearth nor repair the portals of a shattered home. I refer of course to Confederate money.”

Quote by Artemus Ward.


Colloquial / Colloquialisms:

Umgangssprache / Umgangssprache:

“Don’t be a ninny” means don’t be a fool, or do not be stupid.


Cockney rhyming slang:

Cockney Reimender Slang:

Other examples of Cockney Rhyming Slang, or phrases inspired by it, are:

  • Almond Rocks = socks

  • Apples and pears = stairs


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

I’m great at multi-tasking. I can waste time, daydream, be unproductive and procrastinate all at once.” M. I. Brislin August 2021.


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