
informal verb: skedaddle; 3rd person present: skedaddles; past tense: skedaddled; past participle: skedaddled; gerund or present participle: skedaddling

This English slang word means to depart quickly or hurriedly; run away.

When the deer saw us, he skedaddled!”

NOTE: Business English etc.

can be found below the translation exercises.

Translate the Text: Übersetzen:

Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.


Bin ich ein Großvater?

Meine Eltern kommen aus China. Meine Eltern sind aus China.

Hast du eine Enkelin?

Ihre Eltern gehen aus.

Ich bin dein (Ihr & euer) Großvater.

Ich bin sein Enkel.

Ich bin dein Enkel.

Meine Großmutter macht Brot.

Der Mann hat keine Enkel.

Wir haben eine Beziehung.

Haben wir eine Beziehung?

Meine GroßMutter spricht langsam.

Eure (Ihre, deine) Beziehung ist schön (nett, gut).

Die Restaurants mögen Familien.

Der Mann hat keine Enkel.

Die Großmutter hat einen Enkel.

Sie und er sind Geschwister.

Seine Großeltern sind jung.

Die Beziehung ist stark.

Ihr Partner ist perfekt.

Eure Beziehung ist schön.

Ich habe eine Beziehung.

Unsere Mütter schlafen.

Du magst meine Mutter nicht.

Ihr seid keine Familie.




Business English Word of the Week:

Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche:


Acceptance is the act of agreeing and saying yes to an offer that’s been made to you.

Sample Sentence:

I’ve issued an acceptance to our equipment supplier to begin shipping our order.”


Law English Word of the Week :

Gesetz Englisches Wort der Woche:

Legally binding

In common legal practice, once a contract has been signed by all parties it becomes legally binding or enforceable by law (that is, able to be punished by law).

Sample Sentence:

“This contract won’t be legally binding until your area manager signs it.”


Vocabulary for Contracts:

Wortschatz für Verträge:

Legal expert

Someone with a deep knowledge of the law and whose job is to advise on legal matters and conduct lawsuits in court, such as a lawyer/solicitor / Barrister. (In the US, a lawyer is also called an attorney.)

Sample Sentence:

You’d have to consult a legal expert for advice on how to solve that customer complaint.”


Vocabulary for Negotiations:

Wortschatz für Verhandlungen:

be prepared for; expect.

Sample Sentence:

I got more information than I’d bargained for.

Similar words:

To expect, anticipate, be prepared for, allow for, plan for, reckon with, contemplate, imagine, envisage, foresee, predict, look for, hope for, look to, count on, rely on, depend on, bank on, plan on, reckon on, calculate on, be sure of, trust in, take for granted, take as read, figure on.



Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

Otherwise in circumstances different from those present or considered; or else.

Sample Sentence:

The art collection by Salvador Dali is a good draw that brings visitors who might not come otherwise.

Otherwise can also mean – in other respects; apart from that.

Sample Sentences:

an otherwise totally black cat with a single white whisker.

in a different state or situation.

I would that it were otherwise.


Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

a “feasibility study

To make or do a feasibility studyto see if something / a project is feasible. Machbarkeitsstudie / Durchführbarkeitsstudie. Something is economically or financially feasible

Environmental Impact Assessment = EIA

Sample Sentence:

There had to be a feasibility study before permission was given to build the airport.

An Environmental Impact Assessment was also conducted before the construction work started on the airport.


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

Cutting corners means doing something in the easiest or least expensive way; also, acting illegally. Doing something poorly in order to save time or money.

Sample Sentence:

Cutting corners in production led to a definite loss in product quality, or If the accountant cuts corners the auditors are sure to find out.


British English (B.E.) / American English (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

British English (B.E.) = shop walker

American English (A.E.) = floor walker / store detective

Sample Sentence:

The shopwalker disguised herself as an ordinary shopper in order to catch a shoplifter.

The shoplifter was caught by the floor walker of the department store.

NOTE: A shoplifter is a person who steals from a shop.


Special Grammar tip of the week:

Spezieller Grammatik-Tipp der Woche:

Get familiar with the main English verb tenses

If you’re just starting to learn English, you won’t know all the tenses yet. Just focus on becoming familiar with the four or five that are used most often. Aim to be able to use these:

  • Present simple – to describe habits and permanent situations. For example, We live in York, but our offices are in Kent.

  • Present continuous – to describe current situations and future plans. For example, I’m meeting Mark later for a business discussion.

  • Past simple – to describe finished past actions. For example, They arrived at the office at 4 p.m.

  • Present perfect – to describe past actions connected to now. For example, I’ve finished the financial reports.

  • Will – to describe future actions. For example, I’ll meet our client in front of the conference centre.


Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

Eleven benevolent elephants.

Try and say this sentence ten times quickly without a mistake.

Versuchen Sie, diesen Satz zehnmal schnell und fehlerfrei zu sagen.


False Friends Tip of the Week:

Falsche Freunde Tipp der Woche:

German          Translation     False Friend (F.F.)   Meaning of F.F.

bis (zeitlich)      until,               by                          nicht später als


Wit, Wit, Wit Business examples:

Witz, Witz, Witz Geschäftsbeispiele:

“What is a crook but a businessman without an office.” Quote by Brendan Behan.


Slang word of the day:

Slangwort des Tages:


/ˈɡɒb(ə)ldɪˌɡuːk/ noun informal

A language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of technical terms.

Sample Sentence:

“There are reams of financial gobbledygook.”

“Lawyers always speak in gobbledygook.”


Colloquial / Colloquialisms:

Umgangssprache / Umgangssprache:

Gutted (adj)

Extremely disappointed or upset.

Sample Sentence:

“I was gutted when she finished our relationship. She was easily the fittest girl I’d ever met.”


Cockney rhyming slang:

Cockney Reimender Slang:

Cockney rhyming slang is a form of English slang which originated in the East End of London. Many of its expressions have passed into common language, and the creation of new ones is no longer restricted to Cockneys. Up until the late 20th Century, rhyming slang was also common in Australian slang, probably due to the formative influence of cockney on Australian English.

It developed as a way of obscuring the meaning of sentences to those who did not understand the slang, though it remains a matter of speculation whether this was a linguistic accident, or whether it was developed intentionally to assist criminals or to maintain a particular community. Personally, I heard that it was developed for the purpose of the police not understanding what they were talking about.

Rhyming slang works by replacing the word to be obscured with the first word of a phrase that rhymes with that word. For instance, “face” would be replaced by “boat,” because face rhymes with “boat race.” Similarly, “feet” becomes “plates” (“plates of meat“), and “money” is “bread” (a very common usage, from “bread and honey“). Sometimes the full phrase is used, for example, “Currant Bun” to mean “The Sun” (often referring to the British tabloid newspaper of that name; this newspaper has pictures of naked women on page three and so people know “page 3 of the Sun”). There is no hard and fast rule for this, and you just have to know whether a particular expression is always shortened, never shortened, or can be used either way.

Sample Sentence:

Other examples of Cockney Rhyming Slang, or phrases inspired by it, are:

  • Adam and Eve = believe = as in “Would you Adam and Eve it?”

  • I am not a ‘True Cockney‘, but like many true English people, especially those who have lived in London or who were born there, we use Cockney rhyming slang in our everyday language. I was born in North-East London and most of my family lived and worked in London and some still do.

    “would you Adam and Eve it?” is a phrase that I am quite used to saying.


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between the past, the present and the future, is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”.

Albert Einstein.


At the time of writing this blog, I still do not own a Smartphone. If you wish to know why, then you can ask me via this website or on Facebook.” MIB.

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