I want to become a steak

This famous statement about, “To become a steak”, is found in the English grammar below.


Translate the Text: Übersetzen:

Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.

Ich brauche ein paar Hüte.

Alle sehen den Apfel.

Manche Männer laufen.

Hast du etwas Milch?

Der Junge isst viel.

Hat jemand eine Jacke?

Beide mögen Kaffee.

Ich esse etwas Obst.

Die beiden Frauen sind toll.

Sie haben ein paar Kartoffeln.

Er liest nicht viele Bücher.

Er ist jemand.

Das sind viele Bücher.

Niemand mag das.

Manche Hunde trinken Wasser.

Er trinkt viel Bier.

Manche Mädchen essen Reis.

Hallo, ihr beiden.



Vocabulary for Contracts:

Wortschatz für Verträge:

Time is of the essence
What the buyer can do if the supplier does not meet the agreed deadline depends on whether the requirement to deliver on time is essential to the contract or not. In commercial contracts, the assumption is that such dates are of crucial importance (ie conditions of contracts see warranties/conditions). However, there is always the danger of a court-imposed exception to this general rule so it is safest to state that “time is of the essence.

Trade list
The term may also be used to describe an index of suppliers prepared by a trade association or other body, sometimes on a subscription basis.

Turnkey contracts
Most commonly used in the context of capital contracts, to describe an arrangement whereby the contractor provides everything required for the full operation of the facility.

Value analysis
The breakdown of a price into its constituent cost elements (for example, labour, materials, administration, distribution, profit) to identify opportunities for reduction and/or a more cost-effective mix of resource inputs.

Value for money (VfM)
Defined as quality (or fitness for purpose) and delivery against price, judged on whole-life costs and not simply initial costs. In the purchasing initiative, a VfM improvement is defined as a benefit generated by the procurement organisation’s initiative and achieved by an action beyond that arising from mechanistic order-placing.



The above picture is a Joke concerning the Chinese spy balloon taking photos over the USA in 2023.


Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

Accomplishment” means (“to accomplish something” / erreichen).

Accomplishment is something that has been achieved (erreicht) successfully (erfolgreich).

The reduction of inflation was a remarkable accomplishment.” = is the successful (erfolgreich) achievement of a task.

The accomplishment of planned objectives.

Long-distance running was another of her accomplishments“. = Is an activity that a person can do well.


Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

Your guess is as good as mine!

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, “your guess is as good as mine” = used to tell someone that you do not know any more than they do about something → guess. Examples: “When’s the next bus coming?” answer = “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Example: “Who will win the next election?”

answer = “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Example: “Who will win the next World Cup football?”

Answer = “Your guess is as good as mine.” (or “Not Germany“) :D.


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

To recharge your batteries” means to have a break, a short holiday or even a longer one so that you feel better, and relaxed, to be able to go back to work again.


British (B.E.) / American (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

Cupboard = BE and Closet” = AE (Schrank). The word“Closet” was used 200 years ago in England e.g. In Jane Austin’s book published in 1811 titled, “Pride and Prejudice” (“Stolz und Voreingenommenheit) the word, “Closet” is used and not the word “Cupboard”.


Special Grammar Tip of the Week:

Spezieller Grammatik-Tipp der Woche:

I want to become a steak – “to have” = habento get” = zu bekommen; I “would like”Möchte” a steak please.

This is the classic story of a young German girl on a school trip to England. Whilst in a restaurant she is asked by the waiter what she wants to eat. She should say, “I would like a steak.” or “I will have the steak.” But NOT “To get a steak or become a steak.” Often the German bekommen is correctly translated as “to get”; but not in this sentence above about having a steak. To ‘become something‘ is quite different in English. To have a baby you become a father/mother; to finish and pass your medical examinations you become a doctor, to catch a virus you become ill.


Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

Quay” and “key” = the Quayside of a dock where the boats/ships will unload their cargo. The key to unlock your door or start your car.  These two words quay/key are pronounced the same.


False Friends Tip of the Week:

Falsche Freunde Tipp der Woche:

Salad” and “Salat” Germans use the word “Salat” interchangeably for Salad or Lettuce. The mistake that I often hear is Germans will use the word “Salat” to mean Lettuce. However, it sounds so close to the English word “Salad” and so confusion happens.


Wit, wit, wit

Witz, Witz, Witz

“I just keep painting until I feel like pinching the flesh tones of the nudes. Then I know it’s right.”

Quote by Pierre Auguste Renoir.


Slang word of the day: Slangwort des Tages:

To be Barmy means to be crazy.


Colloquial / Colloquialisms: Umgangssprache / Umgangssprache:

To be Fit (adj)

So, in the UK to be ‘fit’ doesn’t only mean that you go to the gym a lot and have good stamina (Ausdauer / eine gute Kondition haben). To be “Fit” is a way of saying that a person is attractive, or sexy.


Cockney rhyming slang:

Cockney Reimender Slang:

Mince pies means youreyes” (the ‘ole Minces‘). In one of the first Dad’s Army,” (British classic comedy TV program) series Lance Corporal Jones signs the Captain’s desk instead of signing a piece of paper. He explains to the Captain that he had to leave the army because of his ole Minces and that he could not see properly to shoot his rifle anymore.


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

We are supposed to love people and use things. We go wrong when we start loving things and using people.” Nicky Gumble, the creator of the ALPHA Course.

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