To burn all your bridges behind you

NOTE: Business English etc.
can be found below the translation exercises.

Translate the Text into English: Übersetzen:

Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.

Du trinkst kein Bier.

Trink kein Bier!

Der Apfel.

Dei Großeltern.

Das Auge.

Iss nicht meinen Apfel!

Wo sind meine Brötchen?

Trink nicht immer meine Cola!

Trink meine Milch nicht, hier ist eine Cola.

Kauf bitte dreißig Brötchen für das Wochenende.

Wann isst du dein Abendessen?

Toto, trink meine Cola nicht mehr, bitte!

Toto, warum isst du dein Abendessen nicht?

Ist deine Wasserflasche leer?

Toto, iss mein Käsebrot nicht!




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Business English Word of the Week:

Geschäftsenglisch Wort der Woche:

A business word/phrase = A new broom sweeps cleanmeansneue Besen kehren gut.”

Sample Sentence:

“Norbert, our new American CEO said to the staff, a new broom sweeps clean and then he gave out the redundancy notices.” Smiled and left the room.


Law English Word of the Week:

Gesetz Englisches Wort der Woche:

A law word/phrase = To stop/halt the proceedings at the appropriate juncture.”

Sample Sentence:

We are required by law to halt these proceedings at the appropriate juncture; which, as it happens, is now!


Vocabulary for Contracts:

Wortschatz für Verträge:

A word/phrase for contracts = an industrial accident

Sample Sentence:

In case of an industrial accident, the medical officer is required by law to report the accident to the appropriate authorities.


Vocabulary for Negotiations:

Wortschatz für Verhandlungen:

A word/phrase for negotiations = A rough guideline” – “eine grobe Richtlinie.

Sample Sentence:

As a rough guideline, it is necessary to allow your opponent to seek advice from an outside agency on the matter.

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Word of the day: Wort des Tages:

Exercise – practice = übung

Sample Sentence:

It is funny, but when I hear the phrase “do extra exercise”, it sounds like ‘extra fries! So I get a burger with mayo and extra fries!’


Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

I had a brainwave” – Gedankenblitz – “A Flash of thought.”

Sample Sentence:

I had a brain wave the other day to save money on laundry bills and this is it – I should wear my pants on the outside!


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

To be all mouth and no trousers. – this idiom means a person who may talk a lot, make threats and be aggressive, but in the end, he is like a dog with no bite, he only barks a lot!

Sample Sentence:

Don’t take any notice of him mate as he is all mouth and no trousers!”

NOTE: A lot of bullies are exactly like this. Punch them in the face or kick them in ‘the family jewels’ and they run off crying for their mummy!


British English / American English Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

British English (B.E.) = A Spanner – Ein Schraubenschlüssel

American English (A.E.) = A Monkey wrench.

Sample Sentence:

I cannot see any logic in calling a spanner a monkey wrench, but there you have it; there is little logic in how Americans approach language!”


Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

or, ore & oar – oder, Erz und Ruder.

The three English words are all pronounced in the same way.


False Friends Tip of the Week:

Falsche Freunde Tipp der Woche:

German            Translation     False Friend (F.F.)  Meaning of F.F.

blutiges Steak   rare steak           bloody steak         verdammtes Steak


NOTE: This is an American joke because in America over 80% of cars are automatic and so many people have no idea how to drive a car with gears.


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Wit, wit, wit – Drink and Other Drugs:

Witz, Witz, Witz – Trinken und andere Drogen:

There are two things a Highlander likes naked and one of them is whisky.

Quote by Fulton McKay.

My note: I wonder what the other one is?



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Slang word of the day:

Slangwort des Tages:

The English slang word/phrase Bubbly = Champagne

Sample Sentence:

Get another bottle of bubbly out of the wine cellar will you steward.


Colloquial / Colloquialisms:

Umgangssprache / Umgangssprache:

A cuppa Char (Brought back from India, Malaya, Burma by the British troops who had been serving there).

Sample Sentence:

“OIY! I couldn’t ‘alf do with a lovely hot of cuppa Char Ma!”

NOTE: I will often say this Colloquial phrase.


Cockney Rhyming Slang:

Cockney Reimender Slang:

Skin and blister = Sister

Sample Sentence:

“Sorry mate, I don’t have a Skin and blister.”

NOTE: In truth, I don’t have a Skin and blister.


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

Great stuff! I wonder how this works when there are millions of people? It seems that “diffused responsibility” takes over, distance, anonymity, as well as many other factors, so that the suffering individual slips through the net.



NOTE: This joke is based on a false idea. There is NO mention of an apple! This is only someone’s strange idea that followed centuries after the incident. The Bible talks of the fruit of the ‘Tree of Knowledge‘ and not of an apple!

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