A boomerang is not just for Christmas, it’s for life!

Why do we celebrate Christmas Day on 25th December? In the 3rd century, the Roman Empire, which at the time had not adopted Christianity, celebrated the rebirth of the Unconquered Sun (Sol Invictus) on December 25th. … The church in Rome began formally...

In for a penny, in for a pound

In for a penny, in for a pound The English phrase “in for a penny in for a pound”, is being used in conjunction with one another. This typically English phrase is used to express someone’s intention to see an undertaking through, however much time,...

Guy Fawkes Night

NOTE: The man in this picture is the infamous ‘Guy Fawkes’. Also known as ‘The Gunpowder (Schwarzpulver) Plot’, or ‘Firework Night’. George Cruikshank’s illustration of Guy Fawkes, was published in William Harrison...

The Bees Knees

The Bees Knees the bee’s knees: phrase of bee informal: an outstandingly good person or thing. Sample Sentence: “All my sports car needs is a little fine-tuning to make it the bee’s knees.” NOTE: IDIOMS & INTERESTING WORDS in English etc....

Pronunciation Problems

Pronunciation Problems   If you do not know why this is a little bit funny, then you need to ask me. English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English – English  ...