As dead as a Dodo!

phrase of dodo


This bird is completely dead or extinct.

  • Another meaning is – no longer effective, valid, or interesting.

    The advertising campaign was as dead as a dodo.”

NOTE: Business English etc.
can be found below the translation exercises.


Translate the Text: Übersetzen:

Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.


Let’s eat!

Notice that the vowel changes in certain forms of essen.

ich esse

I eat

wir essen

we eat

du isst

you eat

ihr esst

you all eat





es isst

he/she/it eats

sie essen

they eat

Watch out! The word ist sounds the same as isst. Hopefully, context will help you know which one the speaker means!

Er ist Hans.

He is Hans.

Er isst Hans.

He eats Hans.

Er isst Suppe.

He eats soup.

Er ist Suppe.

He is soup.

Feed me!

Mealtime is an important part of any culture! In English, we’d say I am hungry! But in German, hunger is something you have.

Ich habe Hunger! I am hungry! Literal: I have hunger!

Ich habe Durst! I am thirsty! Literal: I have thirst!


All nouns in German are capitalized. This can even change the meaning of a word!

Wir essen. We eat.

Wir haben das Essen. We have the food.


This is an English ‘Play on words‘, how the two English words sound alike.

The English word Cheeses and the other English word Jesus.


Word of the day: Wort des Tages:


revoke formally

His government has abrogated constitutional amendments curbing presidential powers, which were introduced after the Orange Revolution.

New York Times (Aug 5, 2011).

Phrase of the day: Satz des Tages:

I’m bored out of my skull.


Idiom of the day:

Redewendung des Tages:

To have a bee in one’s bonnetabout something. To be fixated on a subject to the exclusion of any other thing.


Idiom of the day: Redewendung des Tages:

To be as dead as a Dodo –  phrase of dodo.

This is informal English meaning completely dead or extinct.

Also, no longer effective, valid, or interesting.

Sample Sentence:

Donald Trump’s political campaign was as dead as a dodo.”

British (B.E.) / American (A.E.) Vocabulary:

Britisches Englisch / Amerikanisches Englisch Wortschatz:

Holiday (B.E.) / Vacation (A.E.).
The word holiday is a corruption of two wordsHoly Daybecause in Great Britain people would only have the day off work either on Sunday (not farmers, servants) or on Holy Days, such as Christmas and Easter. The American word Vacation is close to the French word for a holiday which isVacances’.

Special Grammar tip of the week:

Be careful when speaking in English and translating in your mind from German, because in German there are many inanimate objects that are referred to as “HE/SHE”, which are ONLY “IT” in English. E.g. “Er ist Langsam”. “He is slow.” – referring to a computer. “It is slow.

Pronunciation tip: Aussprachetipp:

The two letters “AU” in English are almost ALWAYS pronounced “OR”. For example in “Daughter”, “Automatic”, “Sauna” but NOT in “Draught” (Bier von Fass) or Austria, Australia, Austrian, Australian where it is more OSS as in Ossie.



NOTE: To “Blubber” means to cry a lot.

The English word that has been misspelt is Blueberry.


Wit, Wit, Wit Business examples:

Witz, Witz, Witz Geschäftsbeispiele:

“Over in the corner, the mood was more ruffled, where dense mobs praised ‘The 17th Wedding Anniversary: Our bedroom at Mole End’ a seven-sided tour de France by Anthony Green RA. It’s the kind of picture that induces people to describe it to their companions beside them as if they were blind.” Quote by Alex Hamilton.

NOTE: I have no idea what Alex Hamilton is talking about.


Slang word of the day: Slangwort des Tages:


Sample Sentences:

It’s too much hassle for me to do!

He’s been giving me hassle all day about it!

Other words which are close in meaning are Irritating and inconvenience. Bother, Annoyance, Aggravation.

Cockney rhyming slang: Cockney Reimender Slang:

Those two are having a barney”.

Means an argument. British, informal an angry argument: altercation, row. You might havea barneywith your husband over his inability to find your jokes funny.

A Barney means to have some trouble.

I got into a bit of a barney with the Missus last night.” means I got into a fight or had some trouble. Barney comes from Cockney rhyming slang – Barney Rubble = trouble.


Quote of the week: Zitat der Woche:

If you want a bona fide miracle find a pregnant Dodo!

MIB Feb. 2021.bonafidemeans genuine, or real.

Bonafide means in good faithin Latin. When applied to business deals and the like, it stresses the absence of fraud or deception. … Bonafide also has the noun form bona fides; when someone asks about someone else’s bona fides, it usually means evidence of their qualifications or achievements.

The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) is an extinct flightless bird that was endemic to the island of Mauritius, east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.


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Delivering professional Business English teaching in person or via video conferencing in Dresden, Chemnitz, Meißen, Lichtenberg, Freiberg, Döbeln, Riesa, Halsbrücke, Brand- Erbisdorf and all over the state of Sachsen for over 20 years!