References with photographs a special method of him is making a very good sense of humour so which makes the learning process so smooth.

As promised here are some more Testimonials / References:

a special method of his is making a very good sense of humour so that makes the learning process so smooth,” says Soha from Iran (see testimonial below). You may have noticed in the first set of references that many students said that they had “FUN” whilst learning English, as well as they talked about a “Sense of humour” making the lessons enjoyable. It is my belief that if you have fun during the learning process, then you will be more motivated to learn and as some students said they did not even realise that they were learning. I’ve had some companies, as well as private clients for more than 10 years!!!!!

Work can often be stressful. My students come to my lessons and say that they go back to work “Refreshed” and they really do apologise when they cannot make it to the lesson. I get the students to talk utilising all sorts of things; whether that be special events during the calendar year e.g. Christmas, the New Year Easter, their birthdays; or events that are currently in the media. So, here are a few more testimonials:

Soha Vasefnia (Iranian student at TU Bergakademie Freiberg student)

No matter at which level of English language you are, with Mark’s coaching you will improve it dramatically. What is a special method of him is making a very good sense of humour which makes the learning process so smooth. This way, all of a sudden you notice that you have upgraded your English while having tons of fun. Thank you so much for your dedication to the continuous support of your students, dear Mark!


I believe using comments along with photos has a good impact on the audience. So I attach two of my photos to this e-mail. It is up to you to use either one of them with my “testimony“. But again, feel free on your decision to use them or not.  Good luck! Soha


Sven Hochstrate (Attendee at some of my seminars)

Mark ist ein sehr engagierter Englischlehrer der sehr präzise und einfühlsam auf die Fragen und Probleme seiner Schüler eingeht und ihnen dadurch hilft ein neues Qualitätsniveau im Umgang mit der englischen Sprache zu erreichen.


Michael Kühn (Company student in Brand Er Bisdorf)

Gern erinnere ich mich an die englisch Workshops mit Mark von „Alpha & Omega English Coaching“ zurück. Mark versteht es auf jeden einzelnen Teilnehmer einzugehen und ihn bezogen auf seine Englischkenntnisse dort abzuholen wo er ist. Durch die Schulungen in kleinen Gruppen und den dadurch hohen sprachlichen Anteil,  konnte ich meine Sprachkenntnisse sehr gut auffrischen und vertiefen.

It is a pleasure for me to remember the English lessons with Mark from “Alpha & Omega English Coaching”. Mark is able to adapt to the pupil’s different states of knowledge.

Because of the small groups and the high part of the speaking practices, I could refresh and improve my English knowledge very well.


Robert Jackis (University student)

As a student at TUBAF, (Technical University Freiberg) we are often confronted with subjects in complex English. But with the training from Mark, everything went smoothly. I can fully recommend him as an English teacher.


Yao Shangheng (Chinese 2nd Semester Master Student)

Last winter as an international student with friends, I was taught by “Alpha and Omega English Coaching”. Only half a year later with our English teacher Mark, our classmates improved their language skills to be more efficient. My teacher is a native Englishman and he let us know how to enjoy English-speaking.

Als ein internationale Student würde ich euch empfehlen. Wieso? Weil mit Mark brauchen wir nicht English learning, sondern Englisch genießen.


Karan Shah (Indian University student)

My Testimony:
Mark, from Alpha and Omega English Coaching, was my career advisor at TUBAF during WS 2015.  Not only did I receive valuable suggestions regarding job interviews and my application documents, but I also observed a significant improvement in my English vocabulary because of our weekly interactions during his lectures.  I was impressed by his interactive approach while teaching and always enjoyed his class.


Christoph Koch, IT-Berater. Consenso Consulting GmbH

Über persönliche Kontakte habe ich zu “Alpha and Omega English Coaching” gefunden. Da ich vor allem Schwierigkeiten mit der Aussprache habe, hilft es mir ungemein, dies von einem “Nativ-Speaker” gelernt zu bekommen.

Der Unterricht hat mich “weit nach vorn” gebracht.


Anton Gladky (Russian University student)

 “Visiting the course by Mark Brislin has helped me a lot to improve my English skills. I have learned new things about presenting in English, conversation techniques etc. I am very satisfied with the way of teaching and obtained results”.


Ahmed A. Abdulameer Ph. D Student Department of Hydrogeolog TU Bergakademie Freiberg

In May 2016 I was studying the English language with Mark, he was a very friendly and wonderful person and teacher for me and helped me to improve my skills in English and taught me the best way to communicate with others.


Adrian Lorenz

I am truly grateful that “Alpha and Omega English Coaching” prepared me for my working life as great as it did during my studies. It did not matter whether it was the course ‘Presenting in English‘ or just overcoming the barrier of speaking English from one moment to another. Apart from teaching the language in theory “Alpha and Omega English Coaching” provides useful techniques to improve your English speaking skills in various situations.”

I think now is a good time to personally thank you for your teaching. I really enjoyed the lessons with you. I really meant what I wrote in the testimony. I will never forget the phrase “Preparation is everything” you taught me in ‘Presenting in English‘. It helped me a lot in other situations in my life, too. So, thank you, Mark!


Denis Kern (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)

Mr Brislin is an emphatic person with professional teaching skills. His methods are excellent and I experienced a fast learning curve and improved my skills to a professional level.


It is very gratifying for me to re-read these testimonials. As a teacher, one hopes to impart something that will help the person for the rest of their lives. MIB.


Wit, Wit, Wit Business examples:

Witz, Witz, Witz Geschäftsbeispiele:

“People want economy and they will pay any price for it.” Quote by Lee Lacocca.



Translate the Text: Übersetzen:

Susann, Faten, Rico, Heike, Simone and Frank.

Nominative: Pronouns:

Der Words

Remember, the word for the changes forms based on gender. You can remember these forms with the abbreviation RESE, which spells out the endings for der, die, das, and die! And here’s something neat — there’s a whole group of words called der words that follow this pattern!

der Mann

dieser Mann

jeder Mann

die Frau

diese Frau

jede Frau

das Kind

dieses Kind

jedes Kind

die Blumen

diese Blumen

Dieser Apfel ist rund.

This apple is round.

Die beiden Frauen?

Some words, such as beide and alle, are usually pretty

noun‑y. Sometimes, though, they can be used as adjectives!

used as a noun

used as an adjective

Beide mögen Kaffee.

Both like coffee.

Die beiden Frauen sind toll.

Both women are great.

Der Junge isst viel.

The boy eats a lot.

Wir essen viele Kartoffeln.

We eat many potatoes.

Notice the n in die beiden Frauen? Adjectives have endings to match the noun they’re with. We’ll look at adjective endings in more detail later on!


Fortgeschrittene, Anfänger, Geschäftsenglisch, Firmenkurse, Gruppenunterricht, In-house Englisch, Sprachschule Englisch, Telefonkonferenz Englisch persönlich oder per Videokonferenz; in Dresden, Chemnitz, Freiberg, Halsbrücke, Lichtenberg, Brand-Erbisdorf, Meißen, Döbeln, Riesa und überall in Sachsen seit über 20 Jahren!

Delivering professional Business English teaching in person or via video conferencing in Dresden, Chemnitz, Meißen, Lichtenberg, Freiberg, Döbeln, Riesa, Halsbrücke, Brand-Erbisdorf and all over the state of Sachsen for over 20 years!